Absolutely amazing white Ganesh mask from Nepal.
Tibetan masks play and important role in traditional Tibetan culture. Before the arrival of Hinduism and Buddhism, various forms of Shamanism dominated the Himalayas. The Shaman would wear these masks to communicate with the ancestral spirits or spirits of nature. When Hinduism and Buddhism replaced Shamanic spirituality the traditional dances and masks remained a part of traditional Himalayan culture and life. However, many of the masks adopted elements of Buddhism or Hinduism, or sometimes both.
This is a mask of Ganesh (Ganesha). Ganesh represents the removal of obstacles and is revered by Hindus around the world. His image frequently adorns doorways and vehicles, and is often carried or worn during travel.
Original Tibetan ceremonial masks are still used in ceremonial dances in traditional Tibetan villages across the Tibetan and Nepali Himalayas, and many are in museums around the world. This is a new piece that was handmade by Tibetan refugee communities in Nepal using traditional techniques and Himalayan pine.
We collected this mask when we were traveling in the Tibetan Himalayas. We work directly with Tibetan refugee communities across the Kathmandu valley and beyond to find authentic Tibetan folk art such as this.
Measures 31" x 21" x 9"
An absolutely unforgettable pieces of traditional Tibetan folk art. We know it will find a home where it will receive the attention and admiration it deserves.